Name : XYZ
Age/sex : 70years / male
Ward : urology/07
DOA : 15/2/2012
Weight : 58 kgs.
- Difficulty in initiating micturation,
- Progressive increase in frequency in micturation,
- Progressive difficulty in micturation for 6 months.
Presenting illness: pt was alright 6 months back. then he developed progressively urinary symptoms- increased frequency of urine & nocturnal awakening, sense of incomplete evacuation, difficulty in initiation & dribbling.
Pt has no h/o burning micturation, haematuria pyuria,pelvic trauma, wt loss.
Pt has no past h/o of DM,TB,COPD,CAD.
During queries in personal history gives h/o occasional sutta &khaini for 10-15 yrs ,but non alcoholic.
No history of long term drug intake or previous operation.
General physical examination:-
Concious,alert, cooperative.
Average built.
No pallor, icterus, clubbing, oedema, lymphadenopathy,neck vein engorgement.
Vitals:Pulse:64/min,BP:148/86mm.Hg(supine), RR:17/min. afebrile.
Systemic examination:-
Resp: bi-lateral air entry equal, no added sound.
CVS:S1,S2 normal, no murmur.
CNS: within normal limit.
Per abdomen: soft, bowel sound +ve.
Per rectal exam: unifomly firm, median sulcus and upper border palpable, no discrete nodule,rectal mucosa not fixed.
Hb% - 11.0 g%,
TLC- 4200, DLC- P62,L23,E04,M01.
Blood sugar – 84 mg/dl.
S. urea- 40 mg/dl, S.creatinine-0.8mg/dl.
S.Na+-142, S.K+-4.8, S.Ca++-3.14
Chest x ray-WNL
PSA & alkaline phosphatase.(rule out ca prostate)
Differential diagnosis:-
CA Prostate.
Urethral stricture.
Bladder neck hypertrophy.
Neurogenic bladder.
Positive finding
Progressive increase in frequency.
Frequent nocturnal awakening.
Progressive increase in difficulty in initiation & micturation.
Sense of incomplete evacuation.
Median sulcus palpable in PR exam.
Negative finding:-
• No weight loss, anorexia.
• No h/o trauma.
• No haematuria/pyuria.
• No palpable nodules.
Understanding the prostate
q Walnut-shaped gland, composed of glandular tissue in fibromuscular stroma that forms part of the male reproductive system.
Size:4cmx3cmx2 cm.
Wt: 8 gm.
q Lobes:-anterior,median(imp for BPH),posterior(imp for CA),2 lateral lobes.
q 2 capsule is present(a)anatomical capsule formed by visceral layer of peritoneum.(b)surgical-condensation of prostatic tissue.
understanding the prostate
Nerve supply:-
q Sympathetic supply from T11-L2 sympathetic chain.
q Parasympathetic supply from S 2,3,4 through pelvic splanchnic nerve.
Blood supply:-
q Arterial supply: inferior vesical artery,internal pudendal artery, middle rectal artery
q Venous supply:vesicle plexus,internal pudendal veins,vertebral venous plexus.
What causes BPH?
q BPH is part of the natural aging process, like getting gray hair. Half of all men over the age of 60 will develop an enlarged prostate.
q BPH cannot be prevented.
q BPH can be treated.
Common symptoms
Obstructive symtoms:-
q Hesitancy.
q Poor flow.
q Dribbling or leaking after urination
q Feeling that the bladder never completely empties
Irritative symtoms:-
q Frequency
q Nocturia
q Urgency
q Nocturnal incontinence
UTI:- burning sensation during urination
what causes these symptoms?
how is BPH diagnosed?
Medical history
Physical examination
Prostate exam
PSA blood test
Transrectal ultrasound of
When should BPH be treated?
BPH needs to be treated ONLY IF:
Symptoms are severe enough to affect the patient’s quality of life.
Patient has h/o frequent urinary tract infections.
Treatment options
“Watchful waiting”-decrease fluid intake
(1)alpha adrenergic antagonist
(2)5@ reductase inhibitors
Heat therapies
Surgical approaches
choosing the right treatment
Consider risks, benefits and effectiveness of each treatment
Consider your outcome and lifestyle needs
surgical treatment
The “gold standard”- TURP
Widely available
Long lasting
Greater risk of side effects and complications
1-4 days hospital stay
1-3 days catheter
4-6 week recovery
Patient related problems:-
- Geriatric age group.
- Associated co-morbid condition.
Problems due to disease:-
- Back pressure changes to kidney.
- UTI.
Problems due to surgical procedure:-
Pre operative preparation:-
Optimizing the pre existing co- morbid condition.
Consideration of ongoing drug therapy.
Advise regarding fasting status.
Arrange blood.
Preoperative sedation :-alprazolam.
Pre operative antibiotics if-
- Preexisting urine retention.
- Pts with prosthetic material in situ.
Choice of anesthesia :-
Regional anesthesia is preferred.
GA when RA is contraindicated.
Advantages of regional anesthesia?
ü Allows monitoring of mentation, early signs of TURP syndrome, bladder perforation.
ü Promotes vasodilatation & reduce circulatory overload.
ü Reduce bleeding by reducing B.P.
ü Low incidence of intra op MI & post operative DVT.
ü Adequate post op analgesia.
Anesthesia for TURP:-
Level of anesthesia:-
- T 10 dermatome is blocked to reduce discomfort during bladder distension.
- T9 dermatome is required to eliminate pain on rupture of prostatic capsule.(capsular sign)
Ø Disadvantage of regional block?
ü It does not abolish obturator reflex=external rotation & adduction of thigh 2ndary to stimulation of obturator nerve by electrocautery through lateral pelvic wall. Blocked during GA.
Advantages of subarachnoid block?
Easy to perform.(single shot)
Better relaxation of pelvic floor muscle due to dense motor blockade.
Sacral sparing in epidural anesthesia is avoided.
Continuous epidural anesthesia is not needed as duration of surgery is short.
Blood pressure.
Pulse oximetry.
Serum electrolyte.
Blood loss.
ETCO2 if GA is used.
Problem due to surgical procedure:-
Problem due to surgical procedure:-
Lithotomy position.
TUR syndrome.
Bladder perforation (1%)
Bleeding and coagulation abnormality.
Transient bacterial septicemia.
Problems due to Lithotomy position
Injury to brachial plexus, saphenous ,common peroneal,siatic, femoral & obturator nerves.
Injury to major vessels near the joint.
Compartment syndrome.
Precipitation of CHF.
Breathing difficulty in patients with already diseased lung.
Hypotension if legs are rapidly lowered.
Physiological alterations in Lithotomy :-
Decrease FRC leads to more atelectasis & hypoxia which is further accentuated during trendelenberg & old age.
Elevation of legs –increase circulatory overload-rise in mean BP.
Decrease venous return due to lowering of legs-hypotension.
Irrigating fluids:-
Purpose of irrigation:-
ü Distends bladder and prosthetic urethra.
ü Improving visibility.
ü Washout tissue debris and blood.
ü decrease bleeding.
Characteristics of ideal irrigating fluid:-
- Clear. 5.Isotonic.
- Cheap. 6.Nonhemolytic.
- Electrically inert. 7.Nontoxic.
- No metabolism. 8.Rapidly excreted
Factors affecting amount & rate of absorbtion:-
Size of gland.
Hydrostatic pressure of irrigating.(max height 60cm)
Duration of procedure.(max150 mins){20-120 ml/min}
Intigrity of capsule.
No of open sinuses.
Skill of operating sergeon.
Intravesical pressure (max 15 cm water)
Congestion of gland.
Incidence 1-8%.
Can occur 15 mins after starting to 24 hrs after end of surgery.
Rapid absorption of fluid leads to:-
Ø Acute hypoosmolality.
Ø Pulmonary oedema.
Ø Hyponatremia.
Ø Hyperglycinemia.
Ø Hyperamonemia.
Ø Visual disturbances.
Ø Hemolysis.
Signs/symptoms of TURP syndrome
During R. Aneasthesia:-
- Restlessness,dizziness, tightness in chest, nausea,confusion.
- Hypertension, bradycardia, cyanosis, slugish reaction with dialated pupil.
- Tonic clonic convulsions, coma, cardiac arrest.
During G. Anesthesia:-
- Rise followed by fall in B.P.
- ST changes, nodal rhythm, widening of QRS complex in ECG
- Delayed recovery.
- Cardiac & respiratory arrest.
Prevention of TURP syndrome
Correct fluid & electrolyte imbalance.
Cautious administration of fluids.
Reduce surgical time<90 mins.
Max height of fluid bag 60 cms.
Max intra vesical pressure-15 cm water.
Use of vasoconstrictor at operative site.
q Estimation of absorbed fluid?
Pre-op Na conc./post-op Na conc. ECF-ECF.
Treatment of TURP syndrome
ü Terminate surgery as soon as possible.
ü Supplement oxygen.
ü Pulmonary oedema?
--ventilate the patient.
ü Consider frusemide if-
--pulmonary oedema develops.
--to induce diuresis.
ü Send sample for ABG,Na,osmolality.
Treatment of TURP syndrome
ü Seizures:-BZD, thiopentone, phenytoin, muscle relaxants.
ü Bradycardia &cardiac arrest:-atropine, adrenergic agonists, iv calcium.
ü Invasive monitoring in pulmonary oedema& hypotension.
ü If significant blood loss, transfuse packed RBCs
ü Visual disturbances resolve spontaneously within 24 hrs.
Hypertonic saline:-
Overt signs of Hyponatremia. Na<120mg/dl.
Safe rate of administration?<10mmol/lit/24hr. Not more than 100ml/hr. Rapid administration causes central pontine myelinolysis. (quadriplegia & pseudobulbar palsy occurs without inflammation)
q Mechanism of action:-
Corrects Hyponatremia.
Combats cerebral oedema.
Expands plasma volume.
Reduce cellular oedema.
Blood loss
Depends upon:-
- Wt of resected tissue.
- Surgical time:2-5 ml/min of resection time.
- No of open prostatic sinuses.
- Blood pressure.
Classical signs of hypotension &blood pressure are not seen immediately as there is increase in blood volume.
Postoperative care:-
Advisable to monitor in PACU.
Monitor vitals in particular CNS.
Continue irrigation.
As the pain after TURP is not severe routine analgesia is usually sufficient.
ü Opioids like tramadol, fentanyl may suffice.
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