Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hemolytic transfusion reactions

Hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR)
v  Accelerated clearance or lysis of red cells in the transfusion recipient. Usually  d/t immunological incompatibility b/w blood donor and the recipient
v  Acute  (AHTRs )
                During or within 24 hours of transfusion
v  Delayed ( DHTRs )
                After 24 hours of transfusion.( 5-7 days )
Signs and Symptoms of Acute HTR
Conscious patient
Abrupt onset                     Nausea, Vomiting                          
Anxiety                                                Shock   
Facial flushing                   Oliguria                               
Fever, chills                       Hemoglobinuria
Pain in back or flanks     Bleeding
Under GA
          Hemoglobinuria (This may be masked in patients
  undergoing GU surgeries due to hematuria)
          Undue bleeding from surgical site
          Complications of AHTRS
Renal failure  :- 36 %
Thrombus formation  in renal arterioles
DIC :- 10 %
Immediate Mx of suspected AHTRs
A. Action for nursing staff
In presence of fever > 38 0 C and / or any S/s
       Stop the transfusion
       Check the pt identity and unit transfused
       Save any urine the pt passes
       Monitor pulse, BP and temp at 15 min interval
B. Action for medical staff
1. Isolated fever / fever & shivering, stable observations, correct unit given :- FNHTR  = Paracetemol 1 g orally , observe  P, BP and T every 15 min for 1 hr, then hourly. If no  improvement call hematology medical staff
2. Fever with pruritis, urticaria :- Allergic transfusion reaction = Chlorpheniramine 10 mg iv
3. Any other s/s, hypotension, incorrect unit :- AHTR = discontinue transfusion, N saline to maintain urine output   1ml /kg / h. full and continuous monitoring
Mx of AHTRs
v  Take immediate note and inform blood bank
v  Seek help immediately from skilled anaesthetist or emergency team
v  Complete the transfusion reaction form and appropriately record the following

          Type of transfusion reaction
          Time after the start of transfusion to the occurrence of reaction
          Unit No. of component transfused
          Volume of the component transfused
Investigation of suspected AHTRs
Send the following lab investigations:
                Immediate post transfusion blood samples (clotted and  EDTA) for:
Ø  Repeat ABO & Rh (D) grouping
Ø  Repeat antibody screen and crossmatch
Ø  Direct antiglobulin test
Ø  Complete blood count (CBC)
Ø  Plasma hemoglobin
Ø  Coagulation screen
Ø  Renal function test (urea, creatinine and electrolytes)
Ø  Liver function tests (bilirubin, ALT and AST)
                Blood culture in special blood culture bottles
                Blood unit alongwith BT set
                Specimen of patient’s first urine following reaction
Mx of confirmed AHTRs
Maintain adequate renal perfusion by
-          Fluid challenges
-          Frusemide infusion
-          If hypovolumic – dopamine infusion
Transfer  to high dependency area
 Repeat coagulation and biochemistry screens ever 2- 4 hrly
If urinary output not maintained seek expert renal advice
Hemofiltration or dialysis m/b required for acute tubular necrosis
DIC development – component therapy may be required
Due to secondary  immune  responses following re-exposure  to a given red cell antigen
-          Ab most commonly involved – Rh , Kidd, Duffy  and  Kell
-          No clinical signs of red cell destruction but positive DAT
-          Rarely fatal
Sign and symptoms
 - fever
-  fall in Hb concentration
-          Jaundice and hemoglobinuria
-          Requires no Tt.
-          Hypotension  & renal failure – may require expert  medical advice
l  Diagnosis & Management
l  Routine examination
l  Stop Tx immediately
l  Monitor vital signs, urine out put
l  Verify identification of the patient
l   IV line kept open with NS
l  Evaluate for evidence of HTR, septic shock, anaphylaxis
                TRALI other D/D fever
l  Report and send transfusion set to B/B

l  Treatment
l  Antipyretics
                                acetaminophen ;   325-650mg orally  
                    (adult)  10-15mg/kg (children)
l  Meperiedine
                                severe chills  - 25-50mg IV
                                contraindication: renal failure
                                                                      Pts on MAO inhibitors             
l  Antihistaminics: not indicated
Tx should not be restarted for 30 min.

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